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Below, I've shared updates on all of our PCRC horses and provided a brief overview of their current future plans. There's plenty to be excited about in 2024, making it a fantastic time to get involved with some of our horses.


Dream Composer


AGE: 6


OR: 91


Dream has now returned from a well earned break and will be ready to get back on track in the next couple of months. Ultimately, James will decide which races he wishes to target but I'd imagine we will once again be looking to feature in all of the big sprint handicaps, at all of the premier tracks. I think it is fair to say that from a mark of 91, he's potentially very well handicapped going into his 4th season with PCRC and if he could manage to repeat what he did for us last year, that would be fantastic.

GET INVOLVED: Shares in Dream Composer are available as part of our epic Syndicate Bundle. A one off payment of just £100.00 gets you a share in both him and Justcallmepete for the next 12 months, with nothing further to pay during the syndicate period. The best part is, with only 50-60 people currently in each syndicate, you're basically guaranteed the chance to go racing, which is not something that most micro share syndicates can say! #Itstimetodream




AGE: 5


OR: 90


Like Dream Composer, Pete is now back in training and we will hopefully be seeing him next month. He's wintered well, and our hope is that he will be a much fresher horse this year, having had a very busy start to 2023 due to his involvement in the Arc Bonus Scheme. My gut tells me that he's going to be bigger, better, and stronger this season and if that natural physical development can lead to an enhancement in his gate speed and overall pace through the first furlong of his races, then I would expect him to progress through the ranks rapidly. We are all very excited to see him back on the track.

GET INVOLVED: Shares in Justcallmepete are available as part of our epic Syndicate Bundle. A one off payment of just £100.00 gets you a share in both him and Dream Composer for the next 12 months, with nothing further to pay during the syndicate period. The best part is, with only 50-60 people currently in each syndicate, you're basically guaranteed the chance to go racing, which is not something that most micro share syndicates can say! #Eatsleeprepete




AGE: 6


OR: 67


I said in my last Newsletter that Masqool was a winner waiting to happen and I cannot believe how unlucky he's been this month! He's run twice in valuable handicaps (for the grade) and he's finished 2nd on both occasions, behind well punted winners. The only saving grace is that the handicapper hasn't been overly harsh on him, as he remains on a mark of 67. I believe the plan will now be to find him a suitable race or two early next month. I'd bet everything I have that he'll be adding to his win tally sooner rather than later.

GET INVOLVED: A discounted 1% in Masqool can currently be purchased for £200 together with a continuing monthly payment of £25.00. I may be a little biased, but if I were going to buy into any PCRC horse right now, it would be him. #Returnofthemac




AGE: 6

WINS: 1 🎉🍾👀

OR: 45


In December, little old Gerry finally secured his first win, a moment commemorated with a winning photo that now has pride of place in my office. Since that victory, there hasn't been much to cheer about with him though and I feel that his time with PCRC is drawing to a close. Personally, I'd love to see him go jumping, as I believe he has the skill set for it. However, as we're not currently in that game, I suspect we will try to find him a new set of owners who will hopefully derive as much enjoyment from him as we have. Despite the sleepless nights he's caused me over the last few years, there's no doubt I'll always have a soft spot for him.

GET INVOLVED: There are no shares currently available in Gerrots. #CanGerryJump


Serious Look


AGE: 4


OR: 73


Serious Look continues to progress nicely at home and may well have a spin or two on the All-Weather in the coming months. His best form for George was on the grass, with plenty of juice in the ground, so I imagine that Deborah and her team will aim to have him cherry-ripe for the spring. Considering his overall form from last year, if we could get to the grass having dropped a few pounds, that should set him up perfectly for a very fruitful campaign.

GET INVOLVED: We have one 5% share remaining in Serious Look. The buy in is set at £500 and there is a continuing monthly fee of £70. There are only going to be ten Shareholders in this syndicate so it's a nice option for those that want a more intimate ownership experience. #Letsgetserious


Robert Walpole


AGE: 7


OR: 60


It's safe to say that things haven't gone according to plan with Bobby so far. As mentioned in my last newsletter, we've encountered numerous issues with him, both at home and on the track, and he certainly has his own ideas about life. The frustrating aspect, for both us and James Evans, is that at home, he's shown glimpses of the flair and talent that initially convinced us to buy him back in 2022. As it stands, the jury is probably still out, but the syndicate members have opted to move him to a new yard. We'll wait and see whether his new trainer can unlock his talent. One thing is certain: if they can, Bobby is likely one of the best handicapped horses in the country. However, in my experience, it's never that simple, and there's plenty of work to be done.

GET INVOLVED: There are currently no shares available in Robert Walpole.




AGE: 4


OR: 60


Since my last newsletter, Villazon has obtained a handicap mark and is progressing nicely. He's a bit of a slow learner, remaining a very green individual in need of education from Deborah and her team. For that reason, he's likely going to be a horse for the turf later in the year. Nevertheless, we anticipate having a lot of fun with him once the penny finally drops.

GET INVOLVED: We have two 10% shares remaining in Villazon. Further details can be found in the store, where there's a full cost break down. As this is not a micro-share syndicate, there is also a recurring monthly payment in respect of all horse related expenses. #UpTheVilla




We were delighted with the efforts of all our horses in 2023, as we nearly achieved all the goals set for ourselves at the start of the season. This year, we're aiming for more of the same. We have a slightly larger string of horses, which has its pros and cons and as always, we will need our stable stars to lead the way if we are to better our prize money total from last year. The changes to the racing calendar and the slight increase in prize money should help in that regard. However, more money inevitably entices some of the bigger yards to go hunting at the lower levels so selective horse placement, and management of their respective handicap marks, is likely to be the key to success.

As a Manchester United fan, I have recently developed a phobia of words such as 'transition' and 'rebuild' as in my mind they've now become synonymous with disappointment but I do feel that PCRC will enter such a phase in the latter stages of this year. As a team, we will inevitably have some tough decisions to make about how we refresh the string and invest in new blood, but you simply cannot afford to stand still in this game. Personally, I'm excited by the prospect of the rebuild and the challenges that it will bring and I'll just have to hope that our members aren't turning up to the races in 2025 wearing green and gold scarves, waving banners saying #JordanEvansOut.

Thank you for taking the time to read this newsletter, hopefully you've enjoyed it. If you're not already involved with PCRC you can access our store page by clicking the button below. We'd love to welcome you to the PCRC family.

All the best,

Jordan Evans

Syndicate Manger

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