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This eye-catching six-year-old grey was acquired at a HIT sale in July 2023 by Mick Appleby. Before joining Mick's yard in Langham, the horse had been in the care of Keith Dalgleish, and it's fair to say that Summa had lost his way in recent years. Despite a promising start to his career, he had dropped from a career high mark of 92 to 80 and was without a win since November 2021. Typically, such a decline would be concerning, but Mick has repeatedly demonstrated his skill in revitalising horses, and there's no doubt that Summa Peto still possesses plenty of ability.



Given the horse's love for artifical surfaces, we expect that Mick will keep him busy over the coming months. With the increased prize money currently on offer,  he could prove to be a fantastic addition to our string and we are all extremely excited to have a horse with Mick, who has proven time and time again that he is one of the most astute trainers in the country. 


    As a result of purchasing a share, you will receive a share of prize money, a share of future sale proceeds and all the other benefits which come with being an owner. We also operate designated horse groups on our Discord Server where we share regular updates about the horse, race day reviews, pictures, videos and more. 


    This is not a Micro Share syndicate. The minimum buy-in is 2.5% together with a recurring monthly payment of £75.00.  An invoice in respect of the recurring payment of £75.00 will be issued immediately after the purchase is completed. In the event that you purchase more than one share i.e 5.0% (2 shares) then your monthly payment will increase accordingly. 


    The Syndicate will run until the horse is either sold or retired from racing. 


    Cost Breakdown

    The purchase cost of the horse together with asociated expenses was £8,500.00 (inclusive of VAT) which divided by 40 shares works out at £212.50 per 2.5% share. 

    Total= £212.50


    The all inclusive training expense cost for the year is set at £36,000 (inclusive of VAT) which works out at £900.00 per share, resulting in a recurring monthly payment of £75.00 for each shareholder. Any VAT incurred will be reclaimed and added to the syndicate account in due course. 


    The all inclusive training fee has been calculated with regard to  the trainer's daily fee and prior invoices raised. Any surplus balance will be redistributed to shareholders at the end of the syndicate term. 


    No management fee is being charged in this syndicate.


    All of our syndicates are subject to the PRCR Terms and Conditions and a full cost break down can also be found there. 


    The trainer has elected to retain 50% in this horse meaning that PCRC currently own the other 50% being syndicated. All expenses are therefore divided by 40 being the total number of 2.5% shares. For the avoidance of doubt, this is not a lease arrangement. 


    We will offer a full refund on any share purchase providing we are notified within 14 days from receipt of the payment and providing that the horse hasn't run in the intervening period. 


    Upon payment being received you will be emailed a welcome pack and share certificate.  A recurring invoice will also be issued to cover the monthly payment in respect of training fees and horse related expenses. 

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